Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Bus308 Statistics for Managers - Final Paper - 1062 Words

Gas Prices Nathaniel Peters BUS 308: Statistics for Managers Instructor: Ali Choudhry August 8, 2011 Gas Prices Delivery service is a way of life. Each day, people get packages sent to them by way of this service. But few people think of the costs the delivery company has to deal with. One of the main operating costs that we as a delivery company have is gasoline. We use gasoline daily in massive quantities. The cost of gas affects American’s daily, and people can be heard complaining about the high prices. What about delivery companies? In this paper, we will be discussing the effect of rising gas prices on our company throughout the next ten years. Gas prices change daily, and throughout the year it is amazing to look at the†¦show more content†¦In 2010, the average gas price was about 2.8, which is just a little bit below the linear regression line. Some years it is higher than the line and some lower. But the line is the middle showing where the prices should be. Residuals occur when what the price should be isn’t exactly what it should be. We will have re siduals throughout the years, but we can make assumptions on what we as a company will have to pay in gasoline by looking at the linear regression line. With this information, we can guesstimate what the cost of gasoline will be in 2015, 2020, or even 2050. I believe that we can accurately predict gas prices based on the values given. It is important to remember, however, that these are simply predictions and not fact. We must be prepared for extenuating circumstances that would significantly alter the gasoline prices. Anything that would cause us to lose an oil supply would affect the supply and demand ratio, thereby causing the prices to increase, as the supply cannot fill the demand. Alternately if we were to acquire additional oil supplies we would increase the supply while the demand would stay the same, thereby decreasing prices. Delivery service is an important business, and could not be done without gasoline to put in the trucks that deliver the merchandise. It is important as we plan for the future that we are aware of our most basic and costly operating expense. We must be prepared, that we will be able to budget effectively. When doing our

Monday, December 16, 2019

Essay on Is Diversity The Solution to Affirmative Action

IS DIVERSITY THE SOLUTION TO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Equal employment practices, in many organizations, have been established through affirmative action programs. These programs were created by government mandate to create a fair and non-discriminatory working environment in organizations. The need for affirmative action was recognized as early as the 1940’s, as a concept, based on the racial diversity of our country. The goal was the redistribution of opportunities on the basis of race. Now as we approach the 21st century, affirmative action seems to be a dying issue, legally and otherwise. The fact still remains that we have a racially and culturally diverse population, here in the United States, and something has to take the place of†¦show more content†¦When affirmative action was established assumptions were made as to the benefits of initiating programs. Joseph Coleman (1997) agree, that the organization and the individuals would benefit and advances of productivity would make it all worth while in the long run ( p. 259). Programs established under the heading of affirmative action have been under close scrutiny for years, and have recently come under fire from many arenas, as being discriminatory toward the dominant race, specifically White males. It is also believed that affirmative action gives preferences to unqualified individuals. Eastland (1996) says, Affirmative action has turned out to be a bargain with the devil, (p. 7). The federal and state laws that pushed implementation of affirmative action programs, did not dictate that quotas be set, but stressed that individuals be judged by their qualifications---meaning skills, knowledge, talent and experience---rather than by their gender, race or national origin. Affirmative action was meant to be an inclusionary action, not an exclusionary one, such as racism. The intent of affirmative action was to bring equality of opportunity to all Americans no matter what their endeavors were. There has been great difficulty in measuring the effects of affirmative action programs over the years. Even though the average of African-Americans and minorities, thatShow MoreRelatedAffirmative Action Is The Perfect Plan1173 Words   |  5 PagesAffirmative Action On March 6th, 1955, President John F. Kennedy signed executive order 10925 enforcing that government corporations not discriminate against anyone based off their race and skin color. This became â€Å"positive† discrimination otherwise known as affirmative action. Affirmative action is a method benefiting anyone who have experienced discrimination particular to one’s education and/ or employment (Affirmative Action). 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Effective Workplace Relationship of VTI †

Question: Discuss about the Effective Workplace Relationship of VTI. Answer: Strategic and operational plan VTI is an organization operating in the business automobile retailing. They were being founded in 2000 in Melbourne, Australia. Their core business is selling and servicing the small and medium segment cars (Wickramasinghe et al., 2014). However, in the later stage, they came up with a new division to cater to second hand cars and leasing business of cars. Afterwards, they also acquired sales from one of the European supplier to cater to the premium car segments for the niche market. The goal and objective of the organization is to cater to diversified customers segments ranging from small cars to the premium cars in maximum available showrooms. The business process that they follow is to equip the employees to cater to the latest taste and preference of the customers. According to their business policy, the managers are being assigned their respective responsibilities to lead their respective departments (Wheelen Hunger, 2017). The employees will get motivated from their managers by having effective two-way communication channel (Guffey Loewy, 2012). The more motivation for the employees will help to provide more effective service to the customers. The stakeholders for them include the employees, upper level management, suppliers, car manufacturers and the customers. Among the entire stakeholder portfolio of the organization, customer is one of the key stakeholders (Seuring Gold, 2013). The customer of VTI consists of mass market as well as the niche market. This is due to the reason that they cater to diversified range of automobiles. Communication strategy Communication objectives To effectively communicate with the employees in the organization. The communication process will be bottom up and vice versa (Hallahan, 2015). To effectively transmit the organizational vision to the employees. To determine the requirement of the customers by effectively communicating with them. To determine the feedback from the employees. Communication methods Face-to-face communication Email Teleconferencing Video conferencing Communication with different audience Extensive advertising and survey will be used to communicate with the mass market (Tuten Solomon, 2014). Initiation of face-to face meeting for the niche market. Email, mobile marketing and social media for the younger audience. Consultation with the employees Workplace health and safety Pay scale Employee benefits Training and skill development Grievance procedure The grievance of the employees will be transferred to the human resource manager. He will look after the issues with him. The employee will be consulted about his opinion and a consensus will be built (Colvin, 2013). If the issue cannot be solved there then it will be looked after by the upper level management. I being the general manager will first approach the nationality celebrating the religious affair. They will be told about the advantages of maintenance of diversity in the workforce (Podsiadlowski et al., 2013). Moreover, they will be told to include the other nationals in the celebration and track the improvement in the team work. Racial discrimination Act, 1975 will be the most relevant legislation. Implementation of the effective legislation, policies and procedures will help to enhance the cultural diversity and ethical relationship in the workplace. Effective policies will help to equip me in effectively managing the employees and aware them about the advantages of the cultural diversity. Effective procedures will also help me to create more coordination among the team members from different cultural diversity. However, according to me, the existing diversity policy should include racial and gender discrimination also rather than just including the cultural differences. The team members will also be involved in implementing the diversity policy. This will help them to get aware about the regulations in the policy. Moreover, the team will be motivate to feel the differences in initiating the diversity rather than just directing them what to do. The potential problem includes non-adhering with the decision being taken by the upper management. They may find it difficult to implement it in practical situation and thus they will resist in change. The team will be effectively communicated to aware them about their unacceptable behavior. However, rather than just scolding them, they will be described about the potential issues, which will help them to realize by themselves. I will use the verbal and non-verbal type of communication. If these styles of communication will not work, then I will adopt the written communication such as email. It will be expected that the new communication style will help to better connect with the team. Benefits of networking More sharing of knowledge Effective relationship with the stakeholders (Osterle, Fleisch Alt, 2012). Increase in the confidence. Enhancement of the personal visibility. More availability of the options. In creating the positive workplace relationship, networking will help in creating more connectivity with the employees along with effective determination of the opinions of the employees. I will adopt direct networking style due to the fact that it will help me in taking the decision swiftly and to act to the situation in timely basis. Within a network, I will take individual approach in enhancing the relationship with every employee. I joined in a direct networking system in order to enhance the relationship with the employees. The outcome was positive and the employees were happy to give their feedback and feedback to them does not created any negative impression on them. To enhance the internal relationship, all the internal stakeholders should be included in the process. All the internal stakeholders should make aware about the policies being followed by the organization (Wagner Mainardes, Alves Raposo, 2012). All the requirement of the internal stakeholders should be effectively identified and be solved in the first stage only. To enhance the relationship with the external stakeholders, the requirement of the customers should be effectively determined along with aware them about the company policy. Thus, customers will have the knowledge about their rights. Justin should look out for more suppliers to reduce the dependency and effectively aware the suppliers about the requirement. Alex should specify the customers about the regulation of the organization and stop the issuance of credit to the customers. The team members will be given practical illustrations rather than just directing. This will help to built trust among the employees when they will see the result. To deal with the different emotional attitudes, non-verbal communication will be used in order to adopt according to the situation. To eliminate the conflict in the team, a consensus will tried to be build among the employees. In the case of any conflict, the both parties will be consulted in order to reduce it. In addition, all the limitations of the opinion of the employees will be identified and communicated with them. The employees will be given training in enhancing their effectiveness in their respective job profile. They will also be given skill development courses to enhance their skills. Moreover, the supervisors will be there to provide support in their job. Mental health will be taken care of by offering them effective work-life balance. Ideal work-life balance will help the employees in enhancing their effectiveness in the workplace. The difficulty is the managing the diversity in the workforce. Action will be initiated in order to reduce the issues by aware the employees about the benefits of the diversified workplace. Human resource manager will be responsible for the action plan. Resource will include training facilities, effective working environment and perquisites being provide to the employees. Fair work act, 2009, Fair work regulations 2009, gender equality act, 1975 are the relevant legislations to built the workplace relationships. Implementing of these legislations will help the organization in effectively adhering with the ideal workplace culture along with enhancing the productivity and effectiveness of the employees. References Colvin, A. J. (2013). Participation Versus Procedures in Non?Union Dispute Resolution.Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society,52(s1), 259-283. Guffey, M. E., Loewy, D. (2012).Essentials of business communication. Cengage Learning. Hallahan, K. (2015). Organizational goals and communication objectives in strategic communication.The Routledge handbook of strategic communication, 244-266. sterle, H., Fleisch, E., Alt, R. (2012).Business networking: Shaping enterprise relationships on the Internet. Springer Science Business Media. Podsiadlowski, A., Grschke, D., Kogler, M., Springer, C., Van Der Zee, K. (2013). Managing a culturally diverse workforce: Diversity perspectives in organizations.International Journal of Intercultural Relations,37(2), 159-175. Seuring, S., Gold, S. (2013). Sustainabilitymanagement beyond corporate boundaries: from stakeholders to performance.Journal of Cleaner Production,56, 1-6. Tuten, T. L., Solomon, M. R. (2014).Social media marketing. Sage. Wagner Mainardes, E., Alves, H., Raposo, M. (2012). A model for stakeholder classification and stakeholder relationships.Management Decision,50(10), 1861-1879. Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D. (2017).Strategic management and business policy. pearson. Wickramasinghe, N., Kent, B., Moghimi, F. H., Stien, M., Nguyen, L., Redley, B., ... Botti, M. (2014). Using technology solutions to streamline healthcare processes for nursing: the case of an Intelligent Operational Planning Support Tool (IOPST) solution. InLean Thinking for Healthcare(pp. 405-430). Springer New York.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Philosophy Issues Paleys Argument of Eye and Telescope

I. I. â€Å"I know of no better method of introducing so large a subject, than that of comparing a single thing with a single; an eye, for example, with a telescope. As far as the examination of the instrument goes, there is precisely the same proof that the eye was made for vision, as there is that the telescope was made for assisting it.† (William Paley).Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Philosophy Issues: Paley’s Argument of Eye and Telescope specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Paley argues that an eye and a telescope are so much specialized in their function that they cannot be the product of an accident. They must have been designed. Even if we have never seen the designer, we should not claim that there is none. Paley (1) started his argument by the perception that someone has when he randomly meets stone and a watch. The person who meets a stone will conclude that the stone could have been t here all along or been there purposelessly. However, the watch must have been made by someone because there is no way different parts can come together by themselves to perform a single function. The strength of Paley’s argument is that a good product is rarely the outcome of chance or an accident. An eye and a telescope are almost similar in the parts that they assemble to provide vision, particularly in the use of lenses and the formation of the image behind the lenses. If the parts of the telescope must be assembled by a designer, it follows that the parts of an eye must have been assembled as well (Paley 2). Paley’s argument creates the impression that living things have parts that are so much specialized that they must have an author. In a human being, there are sets of organs that perform specialized functions. The organs operate more efficiently to conserve energy. According to Darwin, the parts evolved from simple forms to more complicated and specialized forms . Whewell (194), in response to Lyell’s Principles, declared that there should be evidence of the cause of the change from one form to another. Darwin (8) argued that the cause of change is the struggle for existence. It allows individuals who are highly adapted to propagate their genes at the expense of the weaker ones of the same species. There is evidence of a continuous struggle for existence among living things. The question that can be raised is that a species cannot develop an eye if it is not encrypted in their DNA. Someone would want to know how the struggle for existence has finally resulted in the encryption of new parts into the DNA of a certain species.Advertising Looking for term paper on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Biology indicates that animals may change the size, color, and shape of existing parts only because they already exist in their DNA. In Biology, only certain chemicals may resul t in the change of the DNA. The struggle for existence cannot change the DNA that can result in the formation of new parts. However, it can result in stronger and better-adapted parts and forms of life (Darwin 8). Hume (4) dismissed the adaptation of parts because the animals that become adapted finally die and new ones are produced. However, Darwin’s approach is that animals that have certain better abilities propagate their genes because of their specialized abilities. In the example of the eye, a human being with the best vision survives in the jungle and is able to produce offspring. The one with a poor vision dies with no offspring. In the end, only those with a perfect sight remain. In this case, only eagles with the best vision and the swiftest grasp remain. However, what would have forced human beings or eagles to form eyes cannot be described with certainty in the first place. Stumbling upon some chemical that alters the DNA cannot produce eyes. The struggle for exis tence may not change the DNA. Paley argued that something that happens by chance could produce â€Å"a wart, a mole, a simple, but never an eye† (5). A pimple is possible because it is not an assembly of different parts performing one function. In all cases, the argument is the same. A stone is not an assembly of parts. It can be formed through chance. Human beings would like to develop wings to fly. When the struggle for existence can be used as a cause for the prevalence of the more specialized forms, there is no evidence of struggle among celestial bodies arranged in sustainable patterns. Isaac Newton’s thought is that â€Å"the stars are so evenly spaced throughout the heavens and cannot be understood without reference to God’s intentions† (â€Å"Darwin, evolution and modern history: Dar Rev 2014 Slides Living 1† 7). One would wonder what made the stars evenly distributed that they do not collide or merge to become one huge body. They do not st ruggle to exist. It is similar to Paley’s argument where an assembly of different parts results in a system that functions together harmoniously. They cannot assemble by chance without the outcome of an accident. The outcome of an accident is likely to involve a waste. Waste may include parts that do not add value to the functioning of the system. According to Darwin (8), unused parts are eliminated through time.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Philosophy Issues: Paley’s Argument of Eye and Telescope specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Organic fossils need to be studied similarly to the rocks. Whewell discussed that â€Å"the fossils and medals found under city ruins are to be used in the same spirit and purpose† (500). Scientists face the problem of creating a link between stages. For example, the small gradual changes from Homo Habilis to Homo Erectus. Lyell explained that it would have been possible if â€Å"it was part of the plan of nature to preserve an unbroken series of monuments to commemorate the vicissitudes of the organic creation† (34). Scientists have tried to develop a link between different stages in the evolution of mankind. However, there are millions of species that would need a similar linkage. Both Darwin and Paley base their argument on the vertebrates, which have similar body structures in terms of bone formation and body functions. However, the two authors differ on the issue of the origin of species. Paley holds that a similar body structure is a sign of contrivance, which assures the existence of a designer. Darwin uses a similar body structure to infer a common origin. Paley gives a valid argument that an assembly of different parts cannot occur by chance. Darwin’s theory is left with the difficult task of proving how new parts are encrypted into the DNA of young ones because they may not be of generic value (Darwin 12). The s olar system is an assembly of celestial bodies that do not struggle to exist. One would wonder what made the planets develop different masses and atmospheric characteristics if they have the same origin. II. â€Å"It is remarkable how Darwin recognized among beasts and plants his English society with its division of labor, competition, opening up of markets, ‘inventions’, and Malthusian ‘struggle for existence’ —with Darwin the animal kingdom figures as a bourgeois society.† (Karl Marx in correspondence with Friedrich Engels.) Darwin recognized that among beasts and plants there is a division of labor. Plants provide animals with food and oxygen. In return, animals provide carbon dioxide and manure for plants (Marx and Engels par. 2). There is competition whenever beasts have an interest in the same resources. Lions will kill hyenas to reduce competition for meat. Wolves and cheetahs will target the same animals for food. The same competition occurs among human beings when there is a conflict of interest. Division of labor may also occur in animals of the same species. For example, male lions may guard the boundaries and lionesses may specialize in hunting. There is a great division of labor among human beings. Division of labor increases productivity among human beings.Advertising Looking for term paper on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The farmer has ample time to carry out his duties as a result of taking his children to school. Some animals feed while others watch out. It allows those that feed ample time to find the best food and adequate quantities. It also eliminates distraction from those that are on the lookout for predators. According to the statement, the struggle is an occurrence of chance emerging from overpopulation and the struggle for existence. It leads to the invention in animals as in mankind. As a result of the struggle and invention, a baboon finds out that it can be more satisfied by feeding on a single flamingo rather than plant shoots. However, there is difficulty in catching flamingoes. Opening up of markets is where animals will go further than usual in such food and water. During periods of scarcity, animals may widen the boundaries in which they search for food. Plenty of food in an area may also invite animals from far regions. In English society, merchants were known to bring supplies o f goods that were scarce in England. In return, they would export those that are in plenty. In the animal kingdom, animals have several options among different animals that they can hunt for food. The ones found in plenty are easily killed. They will be frequently hunted until their numbers are reduced. Paley (7) argued that it is a system to prevent overpopulation. In business, inventions come as a result of trying to gain a competitive advantage over other businesses. In the animal kingdom, the invention provides better knowledge that allows an animal to use less effort in the struggle for existence. The need for invention comes as a result of competition. The propagation of species is such that animals of the same species have certain advantages over other species different from their own. Darwin (59) argued that there is intense competition among animals of the same species because of the similarity of abilities. The differences among species create a form of divided labor. Anim als of different species tend to target different parts of the same resources. Their abilities are increasingly being adapted for the different resources they target. The division of labor among species reduces the struggle for existence and increases the chances of survival. A giraffe feeds on trees and a gazelle on the grass. The height of the giraffe and its kicks prevent a lion from reaching its throat easily. The gazelle’s speed is its best rescue. Each species survives, according to their different abilities. Within the species, those which display stronger qualities of their competitive abilities can propagate their genes. Competition emerges from seeking the same resources and from overpopulation. Paley (7) argued that â€Å"pain teaches vigilance and caution, gives notice to danger, and excites those endeavors which may be necessary to preserve the species† (7). As a result of scarcity of resources brought about by overpopulation, the proletariat would turn ag ainst the bourgeoisie. Hume (5) described a situation where insects can molest lions despite their strength. The Malthusian theory predicts the intensification of the struggle for existence as a result of overpopulation. In the animal kingdom, the search for green plants intensifies as the population of herbivores increase. However, their population is kept at a sustainable number by the carnivores. Mankind has been able to reproduce at a high rate after reducing the struggle for existence from the struggle of necessities to the struggle for additional pleasures. The bourgeoisie society has been described with a continuous class struggle for necessities and enjoyment (Marx and Engels par. 4). Engels draws a difference between the bourgeoisie struggles in mankind from that of animals because animals only gather finished products and are more concerned about necessities (Marx and Engels par. 4). Some animals may show an indication of enjoyment too. Birds satisfied with the necessity o f food and water may bathe in the soil as a form of relaxation. The bourgeoisie is known as a society where everyone seeks his own benefit (Marx and Engel par. 13). The animal kingdom is similar. Animals may also be friendly to their own kind once they have satisfied their individual needs. The struggle where everyone seeks to satisfy their individual needs leads to those who are more adapted to the changing conditions to survive when the weaker of their species are wiped out by scarcity. Division of labor may have resulted in better-performing parts. The different body parts form systems that are better adapted for their function. Different species also specialize in areas that provide a better chance of survival. Adam Smith claimed that a â€Å"workman not educated to this business, has by the division of labor rendered a distinct trade† (8). It is the situation when a workman gains skills through practice rather than education. It is similar to Darwin’s view that di fferent species have gained competitive advantages by repeatedly using certain abilities (Darwin 8). The abilities that provide a species with its distinction become a common feature among the offspring that will be able to survive in the struggle for existence. Marx and Engel (par. 2), in the statement, were not surprised that the same theory used in history could be used in natural sciences. At a glance, human beings may appear free from the struggle for existence. Invention and innovation have allowed mankind to live in numbers that would be considered overpopulation if human beings lived in their natural state. A closer look at animals, one realizes similar struggles as those of mankind. The search for new markets and division of labor are inventions that tend to create an advantage over individuals and nations. The individual that innovates becomes dominant. Historically, the most successful men were able to sire more children than the less successful men. Currently, the trend has changed because men are afraid to have more children alarmed by economic difficulties. It goes back to Paley’s argument that the struggle creates an awareness of danger, which reduces overpopulation in human beings. Today, in a more developed country like England, there is hardly direct combat in the struggle for resources. However, the struggle for existence has not stopped. It will be evident in firms that restructure to remain in the market place. There are individuals who develop rare technical skills, which allow them to tap into resources that are hardly available to the majority. Animals as well may develop rare skills that allow a species to tap into resources unreachable to others. Works Cited Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or, The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. 6th ed. 2009. New York: Cambridge University Press. Print. â€Å"Darwin, evolution and modern history: Dar Rev 2014 Slides Living 1†. Web. Hume, David. Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (1779). Passages distributed in class. Lyell, Charles. Principles of Geology [1830-1833, vol. 3], London: John Murray. Passages distributed in class. Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels. Marx-Engels Correspondence 1875: Engels to Lavrov 12 November 1875. n.d. Web. Paley, William. Natural Theology or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, Collected from the Appearances of Nature. 12th ed. 1809. London: Fauldner. Darwin-online Organization. Web. Smith, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations [1776], 5th ed. 1904. London: Methuen. Passages distributed in class. Whewell, William. History of the Inductive Sciences (1837). Passages distributed in class. This term paper on Philosophy Issues: Paley’s Argument of Eye and Telescope was written and submitted by user Paris Wilcox to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.